
  • Date - 05/31/2014
  • Elevation - 13,898'
  • Route - Boudoir Couloir
  • Miles - 5.0
  • Elevation Gain - 2,600'
  • ACME Mapper - Link
  • CalTopo - Link
  • Partners - Scott Borger, Charles Dansforth, Brian Kooienga, Fabio Somenzi


The five of us decided to try a quick jaunt in the Mosquito Range.  We left the Four Mile Creek Road and eventually made our way to the cirque below Horseshoe Mountain.  We geared up and followed a set of kicked steps most of the way up the Boudoir Couloir before topping out and enjoying a relatively clear day in central Colorado.  This was a fun snow climb worth the effort.


Brian and Mount ShermanApproachApproachApproachUnnamed LakeBoudoir CouloirBoudoir CouloirFabioApproachKicking StepsScottGlissadeScottApproachApproachNearing the base of the couloir.Snow ClimbSnow ClimbCabinSummit RidgeBrian Kooienga on the summit of Horseshoe Mountain.Fabio and Brian KrauseSummit Photo